
Learn how to configure the Powerboard Extension within the Magento Dashboard

Once you have installed the PowerBoard Extension for Magento, you will need to configure the module with your PowerBoard API Keys and enable each payment method you require.

Navigate to the PowerBoard Configuration

  1. Login to your Magento admin dashboard

  2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration in the left hand dashboard panel

  3. Go to Sales > Payment Methods

    PowerBoard Configuration

    Configuring the PowerBoard Extension

PowerBoard Configuration - General Settings

You will require your PowerBoard Public and Secret Keys

PowerBoard Configuration

PowerBoard Extension General Configuration

Setting NameDescription
Enabled (Yes/No)Enable or disable PowerBoard from being available both on the frontend (customer facing) and backend (merchant facing).
Environment (pre-production or production)The PowerBoard environment. Pre-production for testing.
Public KeyObtained from PowerBoard Merchant Portal > My Company > API and Security
Secret KeyObtained from PowerBoard Merchant Portal > My Company > API and Security
CSSAdditional styling that will be applied to the PowerBoard widgets/payment form in the checkout.

{"background_color": "#ffffff"}

Credit Card Configuration

Enable Credit Card Configuration to display Card Payments on your Magento Environment. Supports all card types available within PowerBoard, 3D Secure 2.0 and Tokenisation (Save card) features.

PowerBoard Card Payments Configuration

PowerBoard Card Payments Configuration

Configurable Settings:

Setting NameDescription
Enabled (Yes/No)Enable or disable Credit Card as a payment option via PowerBoard.
TitleThe title that appears for this payment option at checkout.
Gateway IDGateway ID for Credit Card obtained from PowerBoard Merchant Portal > Services. (Required)
Credit Card TypeChoose which of the Credit Card type scheme logos will be displayed within the Credit Card payment option.
Enable for Magento Backend (yes/no)Enable the use of this payment option to create orders in backend (merchant facing) system.
Sort OrderPosition of the payment selector within the list of PowerBoard payment methods (lowest number first)
Payment ActionSelect how the Credit Card will be processed:

- Authorise Only
- Authorise and Capture - Select this option for PowerBoard
3DSEnabling this setting will enable 3D Secure in the checkout workflow.
Direct ChargeEnable Credit Card to be processed via Direct Charge.
Note - Direct Charge can only be used in combination with the Authorise and Capture Payment Action.
Payment from Applicable CountriesSelect the countries allowed to use this payment.
Save Card (yes/no)Allow logged in customers to save their credit card for later use.
CSS for Submit ButtonAdditional styling for the credit card form submit button.

{"font_weight": "500", "line_height": "2.8rem", "font_size": "1.8rem", "border_radius": "3px"}
CSS for LabelAdditional styling for the credit card form labels.

{"font_weight": "400"}
CSS for InputAdditional styling for the credit card form fields.

{"font_size": "16px", "height": "32px", "border": "1px solid #c2c2c2", "border_radius": "1px"}

Paypal Configuration



You must setup your PayPal account in PowerBoard. Follow instruction here to add a PayPal service.

Setting NameDescription
Enabled (yes/no)Enable or disable PayPal as a payment option via PowerBoard.
TitleThe title that appears for this payment option at checkout.
Gateway IDGateway ID for Credit Card obtained from PowerBoard Merchant Portal > Services. (Required)
Enable Pay Later (yes/no)Enable or disable PayPal Pay Later feature on payment.
Style LayoutHow the buttons are aligned (Horizontal or Vertical) when there are more that one button.
Style ColorDisplay colour of payment buttons
PayPal’s recommendation in priority:

1. gold
2. blue
3. silver
4. white
5. black
Style ShapeDisplay shape of payment buttons. Paypal’s recommendation in priority:

1. rect
2. pill
Style Has Tagline (yes/no)Choose whether to display the buttons with a tagline “The safer, easier way to pay” underneath.
Style LabelDisplay Label text for button. Options includes:

  • PayPal (Default)

  • Checkout

  • Buynow

  • Pay

Sort OrderPosition of the payment selector within the list of PowerBoard payment methods (lowest number first)

Configuration for Google Pay / Apple Pay / Afterpay / Zip



You must have Afterpay and Zip service setup in your PowerBoard Portal. To add a service please follow this guide.

For Google Pay and Apple Pay, you must enable these services by following these guides: Google Pay | Apple Pay

Setting NameDescription
Enabled (yes/no)Enable or disable as a payment option via PowerBoard.
TitleThe title that appears for this payment option at checkout.
Gateway IDGateway ID obtained from PowerBoard Merchant Portal for respective service.

Checkout View

Once you have enabled all Payment Methods in PowerBoard configuration, your checkout will appear as below:
