You can customise your payment flow using Rules. These Rules allow you to prioritise certain payment methods, currencies or card schemes over others. You can also reject certain transactions if they don’t meet your criteria and ask the customer to try a different method instead.
Some of your payment methods may be less expensive for cross-border payments, others may provide a lower friction customer experience, and yet others may have higher success rates. With this feature, you can create a tiered approach to your customers’ processing, helping to minimise costs, increase conversion and reduce fraud rates based on your unique business.
The Rules feature uses Boolean logic to implement your preferences.
Routing Rules
Creating a new Routing Rule
The first Rule created will be set as the default Rule. If no additional Rule is created, this will define
the final gateway and the flow of payment. Before setting up a new Rule, please make sure that the
payment service you select supports the indicated currency, payment source type or card scheme.
To add a Rule, follow these steps:
- Log into your PowerBoard account.
- Navigate to Rules from the menu on the left and make sure you are in the Routing tab.
- Choose the Add New button.
- Add the Rule Label to name the new Rule.
- You can select the Rule Type by choosing between Currency, Payment Source Type and Card
- Choose a Rule Operator from the ones described below:
– Equals: choose one option, for which the rule will be applied.
– Does not equal: choose the only option, for which the rule will not be applied.
– In: choose several options, for which the rule will be applied.
– Not in: choose several options, for which the rule will not be applied. - Select the Payment Service you would like to route the payment to.
- Click on the Create Rule button to add the new Rule to the list.
The default status of the first created Rule is Active and subsequent rules that you create will need
to be activated manually, as described below. The rules you add will be handled in the order in which
they appear, such that if the first rule criteria are met, the charge will follow that rule and, if not, they
will be applied in descending order.
Activate or deactivate existing Routing Rules
To activate or deactivate an existing Rule, follow these steps:
- Log into your PowerBoard account.
- Navigate to Rules from the menu on the left and make sure you are in the Routing tab.
- Click on the Actions button on the required Rule;
- Choose the Activate/Deactivate Rule option from the drop-down.
Testing existing Routing Rules
You can test that your Rules are working as intended, before enabling them on your account, by
following these steps:
- Log into your PowerBoard account.
- Navigate to Rules from the menu on the left and make sure you are in the Routing tab.
- Find the Check A Rule section at the bottom page.
- Choose Currency, Payment type, Amount and PAN (card number) for checking the rule.
- Click the Check Rule button.
The result is then displayed on the screen.
Priority setting of multiple Rules
This feature allows you to change the prioritisation of Rules if there are more than simply follow
these steps:
- Log into your PowerBoard account.
- Navigate to Rules from the menu on the left and make sure you are in the Routing tab.
- Drag the rule using the hamburger menu button to the desired position.
Your rules will be processed according to this order.
Updated about 1 year ago