Expected error codes and what they mean in PowerBoard API.

HTTP CodeMeaningDescriptionRequest Type
200Call successfulAppears on success requestany
201Created successfullyAppears on success request while creating new resourcePOST
400Merchant data errorThere is also an error code in response. Check the "error_summary" section for the details.any
403Permission deniedAuthorization token does not have permissionany
404Resource not foundThe requested resource by id is not found for your visibility scopeany
500System errorUnexpected server errorany
408API unavailableOnly for .Net SDK. The response from the .Net SDK when it can't reach the API for some timeany

In addition, the API will generally return a detailed error message and any downstream errors. See example error below:

"error_summary": {
        "message": "Transaction Declined",
        "code": "transaction_declined",
        "status_code": "05",
        "status_code_description": "Do not honour",
        "details": {
            "gateway_specific_code": "DECLINED",
            "gateway_specific_description": "The requested operation was not successful",
            "messages": [
                "Transaction Declined"
HTTP Status CodeCauseError CodeError Structure
400Internal validation- validation_error
- required_error
- unfulfilled_condition
message: string,
code: string,
details: {
path?: string,
messages: string[]
} }
400gateway validation- gateway_error
- insufficient_funds
- credit_card_invalid_or_expired
- transaction_declined
- transaction_declined_hard
- system_error
- fraud_warning
- invalid_transaction_details
- invalid_request_details
- invalid_bank_account_details
- invalid_gateway_credentials
- unknown
message: string,
code: string,
details: {
path?: string,
gateway_specific_code: string,
gateway_specific_description: string
messages: string[]
} }
400gateway proccesing- gateway_error
- insufficient_funds
- credit_card_invalid_or_expired
- transaction_declined
- transaction_declined_hard
- system_error
- fraud_warning
- invalid_transaction_details
- invalid_request_details
- invalid_bank_account_details
- invalid_gateway_credentials
- unknown
{ message: string,
code: string,
status_code: string,
status_code_description: string,
details: {
path?: string,
gateway_specific_code: string,
gateway_specific_description: string
messages: string[]
} }
400 - 599otherunspecified_error{
message: string,
code: string,
details: {
messages: string[]
} }