Expected error codes and what they mean in PowerBoard API.
HTTP Code | Meaning | Description | Request Type |
200 | Call successful | Appears on success request | any |
201 | Created successfully | Appears on success request while creating new resource | POST |
400 | Merchant data error | There is also an error code in response. Check the "error_summary" section for the details. | any |
403 | Permission denied | Authorization token does not have permission | any |
404 | Resource not found | The requested resource by id is not found for your visibility scope | any |
500 | System error | Unexpected server error | any |
408 | API unavailable | Only for .Net SDK. The response from the .Net SDK when it can't reach the API for some time | any |
In addition, the API will generally return a detailed error message and any downstream errors. See example error below:
"error_summary": {
"message": "Transaction Declined",
"code": "transaction_declined",
"status_code": "05",
"status_code_description": "Do not honour",
"details": {
"gateway_specific_code": "DECLINED",
"gateway_specific_description": "The requested operation was not successful",
"messages": [
"Transaction Declined"
HTTP Status Code | Cause | Error Code | Error Structure |
400 | Internal validation | - validation_error - required_error - unfulfilled_condition | { message: string, code: string, details: { path?: string, messages: string[] } } |
400 | gateway validation | - gateway_error - insufficient_funds - credit_card_invalid_or_expired - transaction_declined - transaction_declined_hard - system_error - fraud_warning - invalid_transaction_details - invalid_request_details - invalid_bank_account_details - invalid_gateway_credentials - unknown | { message: string, code: string, details: { path?: string, gateway_specific_code: string, gateway_specific_description: string messages: string[] } } |
400 | gateway proccesing | - gateway_error - insufficient_funds - credit_card_invalid_or_expired - transaction_declined - transaction_declined_hard - system_error - fraud_warning - invalid_transaction_details - invalid_request_details - invalid_bank_account_details - invalid_gateway_credentials - unknown | { message: string, code: string, status_code: string, status_code_description: string, details: { path?: string, gateway_specific_code: string, gateway_specific_description: string messages: string[] } } |
400 - 599 | other | unspecified_error | { message: string, code: string, details: { messages: string[] } } |