Learn how PowerBoard allows you to effectively manage your customer tokens.


PowerBoards Token Management feature empowers merchants with the capability to create new tokens in new formats, offering a flexible and efficient system for managing data representations securely.

When generating tokens through PowerBoard you can specify the format you require for your business's needs. We support a number of token format algorithms that give you the freedom to store and manage your tokens.

Supported Token Formats

AlgorithmToken LengthExample
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) Tokens

UUIDs are standardized formats for generating unique identifiers.
32 Hexidecimal CharactersMerchant requests card 5123 4567 8901 2346 to be tokenised → token generated in the following format: 9bdfb3ee-14a4-4782-972a-630886dafe27
Random with Luhn

The generated token id is a random number. It begins with a '9', passes a Luhn (Mod-10) check, and excludes known card numbers.
N/AMerchant requests card 5123 4567 8901 2346 to be tokenised → token generated in the following format: 9496359069244962
Preserve 6.4

Attempts to preserve the first 6 and last 4 digits and is not a valid card number.
N/AMerchant requests card 5123 4567 8901 2346 to be tokenized → the token is generated in the following format: 512345 801207 2346
16 and 19 digits, Luhn check passing16 or 19Merchant requests card 5123 4567 8901 2346 to be tokenized → the token is generated in the following format: 4929 1020 4820 3956

Merchant requests card 5123 4567 8901 2346 to be tokenized → the token is generated in the following format: 6173 8402 9012 3456 7890
16 digits, last 4 digits of card preserving, Luhn check passing16Merchant requests card 5123 4567 8901 1234 to be tokenized → the token is generated in the following format: 9876-5432-1098-1234
Alphanumeric Tokens

These tokens consist of a combination of letters and numbers. They can be generated randomly or follow a specific pattern
16 - 4016: Merchant requests card 5123 4567 8901 1234 to be tokenized → the token is generated in the following format: K7x9E2jP4wT5qL8z

20: Merchant requests card 5123 4567 8901 1234 to be tokenized → the token is generated in the following format: T6kP2sL8jR4wZ9xN7cD

32: Merchant requests card 5123 4567 8901 1234 to be tokenized → the token is generated in the following format: R3sT8uV2wX5yZ7aB1cD9eF4gH6jK0mNp

40: Merchant requests card 5123 4567 8901 1234 to be tokenized → the token is generated in the following format: R3sT8uV2wX5yZ7aB1cD9eF4gH6jK0mNp

Generating a Token using your desired format

You can use the merchant portal to setup a default format that you require for your tokens. Please find the documentation needed to configure this here: Merchant Portal Guide