Update subscription settings or/and apply an additional flow.

Additional Flow

  1. Restart a subscription starting on a specific day. (The payment cycle will start on the specified date.)
  2. Reactivate an expired or deleted subscription starting on a specific day by updating its status to active. (The payment cycle will start on the specified date.)
  3. Reactivate a failed subscription by updating the status to active. After reactivation, the system will charge all the skipped payments.
  4. Transfer an active subscription to the held status. Records on charges will still be created, however, the payment itself is not sent to the gateway and thus not processed.
  5. Transfer a held subscription to the active status. All held charges remain held, i.e. it is not possible to re-process them.
  6. Transfer a subscription to the final status (deleted or expired) manually.

Status modification

The diagram below shows all possible ways of status modification and how it affects the payment cycle.

Request params

id+string (24 hex characters)The ID received at the creation stage

Request body

fieldrequired [flow]typedescription
amount-floatAn amount of the payment
currency-string (iso4217 alpha-3)The currency code
description-stringA manually defined description for payments in payment systems
reference-stringA manually defined reference for payments in payment systems
payment_source_id-string(24 hex characters)The payment source to pay for the subscription, generally a payment source retrieved from a customer is used
status+2,+3,+4,+5,+6stringA new subscription status.
schedule-objectAn object with subscription schedule information
schedule.interval-stringAn assessment interval. Possible values: one-off, week, month, year, day
schedule.frequency-string (numeric)An assessment frequency, 1 is used by default (i.e. “3” = “Every 3 weeks”)
schedule.start_date+1, +2string (Date)A start date can be provided in the ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ) or in a short type of date (yyyy-mm-dd) or with time offsets from UTC (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm). The date in the past is automatically converted to the current moment
schedule.end_date-string (Date)An end date can be provided in the ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ) or in a short type of date (yyyy-mm-dd) or with time offsets from UTC (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm)
schedule.end_amount_after-floatA total amount of all successful transactions (equals or exceeds)
schedule.end_amount_before-floatA total amount of all successful transactions (not to exceed)
schedule.end_amount_total-floatA total amount to be paid with subscription (equals). NOTE: If the last payment of subscription schedule will be less than $ 1.00, some gateways may respond with an error and the subscription status will become ‘failed’.
schedule.end_transactions-integerA total count of all successful transactions
retry-objectAn optional object with specific fields for retry settings. The settings are applied after a payment on a subscription fails with a soft error
retry.limit-integerA maximum amount of retried payments
retry.frequency-integerA retry frequency, 1 is used by default (i.e. “3” = “Every 3 weeks”)
retry.interval-stringA retry interval. Possible values: week, month, year, day
retry.fail_status-stringA status of the subscription after all the retries have gone through (active, held, failed, deleted, etc.)