A Verification charge is used to allow merchants to validate a customer's card prior to submitting a financial transaction to the gateway.


You can create a verification charge using:

  1. Credit card
  2. Vault token

Request body

amount-floatOnly valid value is 0. If amount not provided 0 value is used by default
currency+string (iso4217 alpha-3)Currency code
reference-stringManually defined reference for customer in payment systems
initialization_source-stringThe mechanism the cardholder used to accept the transaction
order_id-stringA unique value generated by the merchant to identify a order.
Please ensure that a unique OrderID is provided as the provision of a non-unique OrderID by a merchant could result in a rejected transaction by the gateway as PowerBoard is unable to validate.
transaction_id-stringA unique value generated by the merchant to identify a transaction.
Please ensure that a unique TransactionID is provided as the provision of a non-unique TransactionID by a merchant could result in a rejected transaction by the gateway as PowerBoard is unable to validate.
customer+1, +2objectObject with the customer’s information.
customer.first_name-stringCustomer first name
customer.last_name-stringCustomer last name
customer.email-stringCustomer email
customer.phone-string(E.164)Customer phone in E.164 international notation (Example: +12345678901)
customer.payment_source+objectObject with payment information
customer.payment_source.vault_token+2string (uiid)vault token id
customer.payment_source.gateway_id+string (24 hex characters)Gateway id
customer.payment_source.type-stringType of payment. By default card. Use card for payment with credit card.
customer.payment_source.source-stringPayment method source, Possible values are card_on_file, manual, app, unknown
customer.payment_source.card_name+2,-2stringCardholder name (as on card)
customer.payment_source.card_number+2,-2string(numeric)Card number
customer.payment_source.expire_month+2,-2string(mm)Card expiration month mm
customer.payment_source.expire_year+2,-2string(yyyy)Card expiration year
customer.payment_source.card_ccv-2, -2string(numeric)Card CCV number
customer.payment_source.address_line1-stringCustomer Address, line 1
customer.payment_source.address_line2-stringCustomer Address, line 2
customer.payment_source.address_state-stringCustomer Address, State
customer.payment_source.address_country-stringCustomer Address, Country Code
customer.payment_source.address_city-stringCustomer Address, City
customer.payment_source.address_postcode-stringCustomer Address, Postcode
customer.payment_source.card_accept_type-stringThe mechanism the cardholder used to send card details
customer.payment_source.card_holder_accept_method-stringThe mechanism the cardholder used to accept the transaction
custom_fields-objectThe object of custom fields for transaction. These fields were sent to a payment gateway if this option has been enabled using the gateway creation and modification endpoints
custom_fields.any-stringThis fields can have any custom name and value