
A Charge is a one-time payment that can be requested against any connected processing service.

Charges can be initatied through of the following payment instruments in PowerBoard.


You can create a charge using:

  1. One-time token
  2. An existing customer (with default or non-default payment source)
  3. Direct with credit card
  4. Authorisation of a one time charge (all authorised payments can be captured or cancelled in future.)
  5. Direct with vault token
  6. An existing customer (with vault token payment source)
  7. 3DS is performed within the charge flow
  8. With pre-auth (3ds)charge ID

For a one time charge, payments are made using a one-time token, credit card or direct debit. Otherwise if you are making a payment for an existing customer, it’s simpler to store the payment source with the customer and make a payment using the customer ID.

Request query params

capture+4boolAutomatically capturing or just authorize. By default true

Request body

amount+floatAmount of payment
currency+string (iso4217 alpha-3)Currency code
description-stringManually defined description for payments in payment systems
descriptor-stringManually defined descriptor for payments in payment systems
reference-stringManually defined reference for customer in payment systems
reference2-stringManually defined reference for customer in payment systems.
amount_surcharge-floatAn additional amount added to the original amount of a good or service
amount_original-floatTotal payment amount without surcharge
initialization_source-stringThe mechanism the cardholder used to accept the transaction
bypass_3ds-1booleanA flag to skip 3DS for gateways which are configured at PowerBoard to be 3DS required
token+1string(UUID)One-time token with all the payment source information
customer_id+2, +6string (24 hex characters)Existing customer ID
payment_source_id-2string (24 hex characters)Payment source ID for creating charge with non-default payment source
channel_id-3, -5stringChannel identifier
wallet_id-3, -5stringWallet identifier
card_acceptor.address_city-1, -3, -5, -6, -8stringCard acceptor address city
card_acceptor.address_company-1, -3, -5, -6, -8stringCard acceptor address company
card_acceptor.address_postcode-1, -3, -5, -6, -8stringCard acceptor address postcode
card_acceptor.address_country-1, -3, -5, -6, -8stringCard acceptor address country
card_acceptor.address_state-1, -3, -5, -6, -8stringCard acceptor address state
card_acceptor.address_line1-1, -3, -5, -6, -8stringCard acceptor address line 1
card_acceptor.address_line2-1, -3, -5, -6, -8stringCard acceptor address line 2, -3, -5, -6, -8stringCard acceptor name, -3, -5, -6, -8stringCard acceptor phone
customer+3, +5objectObject with the customer’s information.
customer.first_name-stringCustomer first name
customer.last_name-stringCustomer last name email phone in E.164 international notation (Example: +12345678901)
customer.payment_source+objectObject with payment information
customer.payment_source.vault_token+5string (uiid)vault token id
customer.payment_source.gateway_id+, -1string (24 hex characters)Gateway id
customer.payment_source.type+stringType of payment. By default card. Use card for payment with credit card
customer.payment_source.card_name+3,-5stringCardholder name (as on card)
customer.payment_source.card_number+3,-5string(numeric)Card number
customer.payment_source.expire_month+3,-5string(mm)Card expiration month mm
customer.payment_source.expire_year+3,-5string(yyyy)Card expiration year
customer.payment_source.card_ccv-3, -5string(numeric)Card CCV number
customer.payment_source.address_line1-stringCustomer Address, line 1
customer.payment_source.address_line2-stringCustomer Address, line 2
customer.payment_source.address_state-stringCustomer Address, State
customer.payment_source.address_country-stringCustomer Address, Country Code
customer.payment_source.address_city-stringCustomer Address, City
customer.payment_source.address_postcode-stringCustomer Address, Postcode
customer.payment_source.card_accept_type-stringThe mechanism the cardholder used to send card details
customer.payment_source.card_holder_accept_method-stringThe mechanism the cardholder used to accept the transaction
custom_fields-objectThe object of custom fields for transaction. These fields were sent to a payment gateway if this option has been enabled using the gateway creation and modification endpoints
custom_fields.any-stringThis fields can have any custom name and value
meta-objectOptional object with specific fields for different gateways
_3ds+8objectA 3DS option
_3ds.charge_id+8string (24 hex characters)A pre-auth (3DS) charge ID
_3ds.mandatory-7booleanA flag to force 3DS for the charge
_3ds.browser_details+7object3DS browser options
_3ds.browser_details.user_agent+7stringBrowser info
_3ds.browser_details.java_enabled+7string (bool)Browser info
_3ds.browser_details.language+7string (BCP 47)Browser info
_3ds.browser_details.time_zone+7string (numeric)Browser info
_3ds.browser_details.screen_height+7string (numeric)Browser info
_3ds.browser_details.screen_width+7string (numeric)Browser info
_3ds.browser_details.color_depth+7string (numeric)Browser info
_3ds.browser_details.accept_header+7stringHeaders accepted
_3ds.browser_details.container_height+7string (numeric)The container height
_3ds.browser_details.container_width+7string (numeric)The container width
_3ds.browser_details.ip+7stringAn IP address of the client's browser
_3ds.authentication-3,-8objectAuthentication payload
_3ds.authentication.result-3,-8objectAuthentication result
_3ds.authentication.result.reference-3,-8stringAuthentication result reference id for tracking approved 3DS
_3ds.authentication.result.reference_2-3,-8stringAuthentication result reference id assigned upon testing and approval of 3DS
_3ds.authentication.result.identifier-3,-8stringThe unique transaction id assigned by the Directory Server (DS)
_3ds.authentication.result.identifier_2-3,-8stringThe unique transaction id assigned by the 3DS SDK
_3ds.authentication.result.identifier_3-3,-8stringThe unique transaction id assigned by the 3DS Server
_3ds.authentication.result.identifier_4-3,-8stringThe unique transaction id assigned by the Access Control Server (ACS)
_3ds.authentication.result.identifier_5-3,-8stringThe unique transaction id for AMEX transactions
_3ds.authentication.result.type-3,-8stringIndicates the type of authentication
_3ds.authentication.result.status-3,-8stringIndicates if a transaction is authenticated
_3ds.authentication.result.status_2-3,-8stringA value used to indicate the result of an attempt to authenticate a cardholder
_3ds.authentication.result.status_code-3,-8stringIndicates why the transaction status field has a specific value
_3ds.authentication.result.ref_token-3,-8stringA payment system-specific token provided by the Access Control Server (ACS) or the Directory Server (DS)
_3ds.authentication.result.cancellation-3,-8stringIndicates whether the authentication process was canceled
_3ds.authentication.result.count-3,-8stringThe number of authentication attempts made
_3ds.authentication.result.version-3,-8stringThe version of the 3DS authentication protocol used
_3ds.authentication.result.whitelist-3,-8objectAuthentication result whitelist
_3ds.authentication.result.whitelist.status-3,-8stringThe status of the trusted whitelist services communication
_3ds.authentication.result.whitelist.source-3,-8stringValues provided by Whitelist status
_3ds.authentication.result.source-3,-8stringThe source of the authentication result