Returns all charges.

Request query params


fieldrequired [flow]typedescription
skip-numberA pagination parameter to skip first N transactions from the list, default = 0
limit-numberA pagination parameter to limit output to N , default = 100, maximum value = 1000
sortkey-stringA sorting key parameter, i.e. created_at
sortdirection-stringA sorting order direction parameter ASC or DESC (DESC by default)


fieldrequired [flow]typedescription
subscription_id-string (24 hex characters)To fetch only those charges which are related to a particular subscription
gateway_id-string (24 hex characters)To fetch only those charges which are created with a particular gateway
company_id-string (24 hex characters)To fetch charges created within a particular company
status-string[,string]To fetch only those charges which have a particular status. See Status table. It can be one or several statuses, separated by commas.
gateway_type-string[,string]To fetch only those charges which have a particular gateway type. See Gateway types table. It can be one or several gateway types, separated by commas.
archived-boolTo fetch only archived charges. If set to true, it will show all the archived charges. Default: false
reference-stringTo fetch only those charges which have a particular reference. transaction_external_id can also be used to search by reference
one_off-boolTo fetch only one-off charges. If set to true, it will show charges without a subscription only. If set to false, it will show charges created by subscriptions only
amount-stringTo fetch charges with a particular amount only
card_number_last4-stringTo fetch charges with particular last 4 digits in the payment source card number
transaction_type-string[,string]To fetch transactions with a particular status. See Transaction types table
only_matched_transactions-boolIf set to true, it will filter transactions by the transactiontype. Default: _false
authorization-boolIf set to true, it will filter charges followed authorization flow. If set to false, it will filter charges followed capture flow


fieldrequired [flow]typedescription
created_at.from-stringA parameter to set a charge creation date range (from) parameter to set a charge creation date range (to)
updated_at.from-string (ISO 8601 format - yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ)A parameter to set a charge update date range (from) (ISO 8601 format - yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ)A parameter to set charge update date range (to)
range.key-stringKey which is used for date range filtering. Available values: created_at, updated_at, transactions.remittance_date
range.from-(ISO 8601 format - yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ)A parameter to set a charge range (from). Based on range.key param 8601 format - yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ)A parameter to set a charge range (to). Based on range.key param
search-stringInitiates a search by a word or phrase (search works by fields: First, Last names and Emails)
select-string[,string]Choose what fields from charge will be returned in the search result
view_mode-stringUsed for charge decomposition.
Available values: charge, transaction.
expand-array(value,value,...)current_subscription_details Displays detailed information from the subscription history. This parameter returns a ‘snapshot’ of the Subscription at the point of time when the Charge request was triggered. subscription Displays ‘live’ information from the Subscription service at the time of the API request. possible_fields Extends the meta with information about possible charge fields in the response. possible_transaction_fields Extends the meta with information about possible charge transaction fields in the response. possible_custom_transaction_fields Extends the meta with information about possible charge transaction custom fields in the response
query_token Extend the query token used for generating reports(view_mode and select params required for generating it)