

The field will be disregarded if it is marked as optional and the format provided is incorrect. However, a validation error will be displayed if the field is marked as mandatory and the format provided is incorrect.

"+" - means required (for all flows)
"-" - means not required (for any flow)
For instance, in POST Create Charge flow:
+6 means that the field is required for flow number 6
-6 means that the field is not required for flow number 6


PowerBoard enables multiple gateways to be connected to a single PowerBoard account, see our list of Supported Gateways.

Gateways can be added through the API where the third-party gateway supports it or through the PowerBoard Portal.

Before assigning a gateway to a company, there should be an account registered with a required gateway in their system, where specific data can be found (gateway token, merchant ID, etc.).

Gateway Resource

type+typeType of gateway
name+stringManually defined name
_id+string (24 hex characters)Charge Id for any future requests
created_at+string(ISO 8601 format - yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ)Creation date
updated_at+string(ISO 8601 format - yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ)Date of the last update
archived+boolFor new created charges always false, true after manual archiving
default-boolUse such gateway by default (e.g. Default gateway for client SDK widget).
The default value is false.
mode-stringDefaults to test, must be live for production mode
proccess_custom_fields-boolIf a value is true, all custom fields will be sent to the payment gateway during any transaction if the payment gateway supports it.